
Eco System Values

We are dedicated to fostering an ethical, sustainable, and resilient ecosystem to benefit people and the planet. Our ecosystem values are centred on minimizing our carbon footprint, reducing wastage, and protecting biodiversity protection through sustainable practices. By supporting local communities to source raw materials and harnessing advanced technology, we provide advanced eco-friendly solutions to consumers.

By adhering to these eco-system values, we help F&B businesses with the choice of healthier, natural food offerings without artificial preservatives and additives. As we continue to grow, we aim to preserve natural resources and create a more sustainable future for the generations to come.


Fairtrade policies​

Our company’s fair-trade policies are dutifully adhered to. We share a mutual respect for society and communities around the globe.


No farmer below the age of 18 is employed on our farms.

Health Check-ups

Optimal health and hygiene for farmers are ensured through regular health check-ups organised on the farms.


No night shifts are organized at the farms to ensure farmers get proper rest.

Primary education for the children of all farmers is an imperative task at our hands, which we make sure is given to each child. During the day, there is also the option of using a crèche.

Technical Knowledge

Equipping farmers with technical knowledge on useful farming systems and techniques aids in the production of better, more improved, and healthier yields is also one of our objectives.


Our sustainable environmental initiatives help reduce carbon footprints. Be it through the use of appropriate packaging material, incorporating renewable energy, reducing odiferous air pollution, or conserving non-renewable materials.

We employ the best farming methods and innovative solutions to protect both health and the environment.

We also engage in instilling more environmentally sustainable environments at our offices.

Our continual endeavour is to decrease the environmental impact in our distribution channels by incorporating greener transportation methods and evolving the distribution system.

Stringent supplier

A three-step gating process methodically ensures that our vendors meet the high expectations of our business and customers.

We focus on developing a diverse and reliable supplier base driven on the highest quality standards
Vigorously determine the effectiveness of the quality system at the supplier’s manufacturing and support locations.
Primary education for the children of all farmers is an imperative task at our hands, which we make sure is given to each child. During the day, there is also the option of using a crèche.

Manpower sourcing

We source our manpower from underdeveloped regions of the world to boost their economic and social uplifting. We are equally devoted to employee welfare, ethical corporate behavior, and social investments.

Forced or slave labour by any human being, especially children, is neither supported nor accepted.

We respect all our employees and value the contributions made by our team members, also ensuring proper remunerations for employees that meet the least legal or industry minimum standards.

We strive to create a safer and better workplace for people.

Absolutely no discrimination is made based on race, national origin, social class, religion, sex, or physical or mental disability.


Respect for our society

We participate in and contribute to the development of the local economies of our company locations. We support philanthropic as well as cultural and educational activities. Creating a bond with local communities and neighbours is always our endeavour.

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